Script Debugger has a collection of preferences settings which are not alterable via Script Debugger’s Preferences panel. These settings are hidden from view for a number of reasons:
There isn’t space in Script Debugger’s already busy preferences panels to include all of Script Debugger’s settings. The settings we have chosen not to expose through the Preferences panel either are only useful to a very small group of users or have the potential to break Script Debugger if used incorrectly.
Some of these settings have become obsolete.
Some of these settings are for features that have not been fully tested.
Please use these settings with great care. If in doubt, please ask us on the support forum at before altering any of these settings. Keep a backup of the ~/Library/Preferences/com.latenightsw.ScriptDebugger6.plist
file in case you need to revert your preferences settings to a known state.
Script Debugger Settings
Type: string, Default: “%@ Run-Only”
The format string Script Debugger should use to create the default file name when exporting a script as Run-Only. The %@
portion of the string is a placeholder where the file’s existing name is inserted.
You can alter this setting from the Terminal using the following command (make sure you quit Script Debugger first):
defaults write com.latenightsw.ScriptDebugger6 PrefRunOnlyNameFormat -string "%@ Run-Only"
Alternatively, the following AppleScriptObjC code changes this setting from within Script Debugger:
use AppleScript version "2.4" -- Yosemite (10.10) or later
use framework "Foundation"
current application's NSUserDefaults's standardUserDefaults()'s setObject:"%@ Run-Only" forKey:"PrefRunOnlyNameFormat"
Type: boolean, Default: NO
When YES/TRUE, Cocoa’s backup file creation is enabled. This causes backup copies of documents to remain following save operations.
You can alter this setting from the Terminal using the following command (make sure you quit Script Debugger first):
defaults write com.latenightsw.ScriptDebugger6 PrefKeepBackupFiles -bool YES
Alternatively, the following AppleScriptObjC code changes this setting from within Script Debugger:
use AppleScript version "2.4" -- Yosemite (10.10) or later
use framework "Foundation"
current application's NSUserDefaults's standardUserDefaults()'s setObject:true forKey:"PrefKeepBackupFiles"
Type: array of string, Default: “”, “”
When PrefConfirmAppLaunchOnOpen is YES/TRUE, Script Debugger detects the applications that may be launched by AppleScript. This preference indicates the bundle IDs of applications that Script Debugger should ignore (and thus allow to be launched without alerting the user).
You can alter this setting from the Terminal using the following command (make sure you quit Script Debugger first):
defaults write com.latenightsw.ScriptDebugger6 PrefConfirmAppLaunchOnOpenIgnored -array "" ""
Alternatively, the following AppleScriptObjC code changes this setting from within Script Debugger:
use AppleScript version "2.4" -- Yosemite (10.10) or later
use framework "Foundation"
current application's NSUserDefaults's standardUserDefaults()'s setObject: {"", ""} forKey:"PrefConfirmAppLaunchOnOpenIgnored"
Type: boolean, Default: YES
When YES/TRUE, Script Debugger provides two document window toolbar configurations. One for when debugging is disabled and another for when debugging is enabled.
You can alter this setting from the Terminal using the following command (make sure you quit Script Debugger first):
defaults write com.latenightsw.ScriptDebugger6 PrefSeperateDebuggingToolbar -bool NO
Alternatively, the following AppleScriptObjC code changes this setting from within Script Debugger:
use AppleScript version "2.4" -- Yosemite (10.10) or later
use framework "Foundation"
current application's NSUserDefaults's standardUserDefaults()'s setObject:false forKey:"PrefSeperateDebuggingToolbar"
Type: boolean, Default: YES
When YES/TRUE, changes in the value of the result
are indicated (in red) in the Result explorer.
You can alter this setting from the Terminal using the following command (make sure you quit Script Debugger first):
defaults write com.latenightsw.ScriptDebugger6 PrefShowResultChanges -bool NO
Alternatively, the following AppleScriptObjC code changes this setting from within Script Debugger:
use AppleScript version "2.4" -- Yosemite (10.10) or later
use framework "Foundation"
current application's NSUserDefaults's standardUserDefaults()'s setObject:false forKey:"PrefShowResultChanges"
Type: boolean, Default: YES
When YES/TRUE, a QuickLook preview is added to the document files Script Debugger creates.
You can alter this setting from the Terminal using the following command (make sure you quit Script Debugger first):
defaults write com.latenightsw.ScriptDebugger6 PrefSaveQuickLookPreview -bool NO
Alternatively, the following AppleScriptObjC code changes this setting from within Script Debugger:
use AppleScript version "2.4" -- Yosemite (10.10) or later
use framework "Foundation"
current application's NSUserDefaults's standardUserDefaults()'s setObject:false forKey:"PrefSaveQuickLookPreview"
Type: boolean, Default: YES
When YES/TRUE, Script Debugger auto-saves the contents of script documents before they are executed.
You can alter this setting from the Terminal using the following command (make sure you quit Script Debugger first):
defaults write com.latenightsw.ScriptDebugger6 PrefAutoSaveOnExecute -bool NO
Alternatively, the following AppleScriptObjC code changes this setting from within Script Debugger:
use AppleScript version "2.4" -- Yosemite (10.10) or later
use framework "Foundation"
current application's NSUserDefaults's standardUserDefaults()'s setObject:false forKey:"PrefAutoSaveOnExecute"
Type: boolean, Default: YES
When YES/TRUE, Script Debugger auto-saves the contents of script documents after they have been compiled.
You can alter this setting from the Terminal using the following command (make sure you quit Script Debugger first):
defaults write com.latenightsw.ScriptDebugger6 PrefAutoSaveOnCompile -bool NO
Alternatively, the following AppleScriptObjC code changes this setting from within Script Debugger:
use AppleScript version "2.4" -- Yosemite (10.10) or later
use framework "Foundation"
current application's NSUserDefaults's standardUserDefaults()'s setObject:false forKey:"PrefAutoSaveOnCompile"
Type: boolean, Default: YES
When YES/TRUE, Script Debugger prompts the user to enable the Stay Open setting when creating an application containing an on idle
You can alter this setting from the Terminal using the following command (make sure you quit Script Debugger first):
defaults write com.latenightsw.ScriptDebugger6 PrefFixStayOpenApplets -bool NO
Alternatively, the following AppleScriptObjC code changes this setting from within Script Debugger:
use AppleScript version "2.4" -- Yosemite (10.10) or later
use framework "Foundation"
current application's NSUserDefaults's standardUserDefaults()'s setObject:false forKey:"PrefFixStayOpenApplets"
Type: boolean, Default: YES
When YES/TRUE, Script Debugger creates an instance of the AppleScript component (compiler and runtime). The purpose of this is to incur any overhead required to initialize AppleScript during Script Debugger’s launch rather than having this delay occur when the first document is opened or created.
You can alter this setting from the Terminal using the following command (make sure you quit Script Debugger first):
defaults write com.latenightsw.ScriptDebugger6 PrefPreloadASAtLaunch -bool NO
Alternatively, the following AppleScriptObjC code changes this setting from within Script Debugger:
use AppleScript version "2.4" -- Yosemite (10.10) or later
use framework "Foundation"
current application's NSUserDefaults's standardUserDefaults()'s setObject:false forKey:"PrefPreloadASAtLaunch"
Type: integer, Default: 15
If set, this preference overrides the maximum number of recent documents retained in Script Debugger’s Open Recent menu, as specified in the Recent Items setting on the General panel of the Mac OS X System Preferences utility.
You can alter this setting from the Terminal using the following command (make sure you quit Script Debugger first):
defaults write com.latenightsw.ScriptDebugger6 PrefMaxRecentDocuments -integer 15
Alternatively, the following AppleScriptObjC code changes this setting from within Script Debugger:
use AppleScript version "2.4" -- Yosemite (10.10) or later
use framework "Foundation"
current application's NSUserDefaults's standardUserDefaults()'s setObject:15 forKey:"PrefMaxRecentDocuments"
Type: boolean, Default: NO
When YES/TRUE, a BOM (Byte order marker) is included when saving a script as UTF-8 text (.applescript).
You can alter this setting from the Terminal using the following command (make sure you quit Script Debugger first):
defaults write com.latenightsw.ScriptDebugger6 PrefSaveTextWithBOM -bool YES
Alternatively, the following AppleScriptObjC code changes this setting from within Script Debugger:
use AppleScript version "2.4" -- Yosemite (10.10) or later
use framework "Foundation"
current application's NSUserDefaults's standardUserDefaults()'s setObject:true forKey:"PrefSaveTextWithBOM"
Type: boolean, Default: YES
When closing a running script document, this setting determines if the user is prompted to confirm that they want to stop their script before allowing the document to close.
You can alter this setting from the Terminal using the following command (make sure you quit Script Debugger first):
defaults write com.latenightsw.ScriptDebugger6 PrefConfirmStopWhenClosing -bool NO
Alternatively, the following AppleScriptObjC code changes this setting from within Script Debugger:
use AppleScript version "2.4" -- Yosemite (10.10) or later
use framework "Foundation"
current application's NSUserDefaults's standardUserDefaults()'s setObject:false forKey:"PrefConfirmStopWhenClosing"
Type: boolean, Default: NO
When YES/TRUE, if a subroutine call or an otherwise unhanded event is received without an explicit target document, the current/top document is targeted.
You can alter this setting from the Terminal using the following command (make sure you quit Script Debugger first):
defaults write com.latenightsw.ScriptDebugger6 PrefSendUnhandledEventsToDocument -bool YES
Alternatively, the following AppleScriptObjC code changes this setting from within Script Debugger:
use AppleScript version "2.4" -- Yosemite (10.10) or later
use framework "Foundation"
current application's NSUserDefaults's standardUserDefaults()'s setObject:true forKey:"PrefSendUnhandledEventsToDocument"
Type: boolean, Default: YES
When YES/TRUE, selecting an event in the Event Log causes the source line generating the event to be highlighted in the script (only works when debugging is enabled).
You can alter this setting from the Terminal using the following command (make sure you quit Script Debugger first):
defaults write com.latenightsw.ScriptDebugger6 PrefEventLogSelectsSource -bool NO
Alternatively, the following AppleScriptObjC code changes this setting from within Script Debugger:
use AppleScript version "2.4" -- Yosemite (10.10) or later
use framework "Foundation"
current application's NSUserDefaults's standardUserDefaults()'s setObject:false forKey:"PrefEventLogSelectsSource"
Type: boolean, Default: NO
When YES/TRUE, Script Debugger restores the miniaturized state of reopened documents at launch. The PrefStartupRememberOpenScripts must be YES/TRUE for the PrefRestoreMiniaturize preference to have any effect.
You can alter this setting from the Terminal using the following command (make sure you quit Script Debugger first):
defaults write com.latenightsw.ScriptDebugger6 PrefRestoreMiniaturize -bool YES
Alternatively, the following AppleScriptObjC code changes this setting from within Script Debugger:
use AppleScript version "2.4" -- Yosemite (10.10) or later
use framework "Foundation"
current application's NSUserDefaults's standardUserDefaults()'s setObject:true forKey:"PrefRestoreMiniaturize"
Type: boolean, Default: YES
When YES/TRUE, Script Debugger creates a new AppleScript component instance each time a script is compiled.
You can alter this setting from the Terminal using the following command (make sure you quit Script Debugger first):
defaults write com.latenightsw.ScriptDebugger6 PrefResetIdentifiersOnCompile -bool NO
Alternatively, the following AppleScriptObjC code changes this setting from within Script Debugger:
use AppleScript version "2.4" -- Yosemite (10.10) or later
use framework "Foundation"
current application's NSUserDefaults's standardUserDefaults()'s setObject:false forKey:"PrefResetIdentifiersOnCompile"
Type: boolean, Default: NO
When YES/TRUE, Apple’s script templates (from the Script Editor) are included in Script Debugger’s template chooser panel.
You can alter this setting from the Terminal using the following command (make sure you quit Script Debugger first):
defaults write com.latenightsw.ScriptDebugger6 PrefShowAppleTemplates -bool YES
Alternatively, the following AppleScriptObjC code changes this setting from within Script Debugger:
use AppleScript version "2.4" -- Yosemite (10.10) or later
use framework "Foundation"
current application's NSUserDefaults's standardUserDefaults()'s setObject:true forKey:"PrefShowAppleTemplates"
Type: boolean, Default: YES
When YES/TRUE, window and view state information contained in templates is ignored when creating new documents.
You can alter this setting from the Terminal using the following command (make sure you quit Script Debugger first):
defaults write com.latenightsw.ScriptDebugger6 PrefIgnoreTemplateWindowState -bool NO
Alternatively, the following AppleScriptObjC code changes this setting from within Script Debugger:
use AppleScript version "2.4" -- Yosemite (10.10) or later
use framework "Foundation"
current application's NSUserDefaults's standardUserDefaults()'s setObject:false forKey:"PrefIgnoreTemplateWindowState"
Type: boolean, Default: NO
When YES/TRUE, the document window title will show the script’s full path instead of its display name.
You can alter this setting from the Terminal using the following command (make sure you quit Script Debugger first):
defaults write com.latenightsw.ScriptDebugger6 PrefShowFullPathInWindowTitle -bool YES
Alternatively, the following AppleScriptObjC code changes this setting from within Script Debugger:
use AppleScript version "2.4" -- Yosemite (10.10) or later
use framework "Foundation"
current application's NSUserDefaults's standardUserDefaults()'s setObject:true forKey:"PrefShowFullPathInWindowTitle"
RosieKit Settings
Type: boolean, Default: YES
When YES/TRUE, Notification Centre notifications are posted when one of the following events occur (and Script Debugger is not the foreground application):
- a script generates a runtime error
- a script finishes executing
- a script pauses (hits a breakpoint, finishes stepping over a statement or handler call)
You can alter this setting from the Terminal using the following command (make sure you quit Script Debugger first):
defaults write com.latenightsw.ScriptDebugger6 PrefPostUserNotifications -bool NO
Alternatively, the following AppleScriptObjC code changes this setting from within Script Debugger:
use AppleScript version "2.4" -- Yosemite (10.10) or later
use framework "Foundation"
current application's NSUserDefaults's standardUserDefaults()'s setObject:false forKey:"PrefPostUserNotifications"
Type: boolean, Default: NO
When YES/TRUE, the value of variables and properties containing script objects is NOT checked for changes. This improves performance, lies, but also prevents the user seeing changes within the contents of a script object value.
You can alter this setting from the Terminal using the following command (make sure you quit Script Debugger first):
defaults write com.latenightsw.ScriptDebugger6 PrefDontDetectChangedOSAIDs -bool YES
Alternatively, the following AppleScriptObjC code changes this setting from within Script Debugger:
use AppleScript version "2.4" -- Yosemite (10.10) or later
use framework "Foundation"
current application's NSUserDefaults's standardUserDefaults()'s setObject:true forKey:"PrefDontDetectChangedOSAIDs"
Type: boolean, Default: NO
When YES/TRUE, the value of variables and properties containing script objects is ALWAYS considered to have changed. This improves performance, lies, but ensures that changes to script objects is visible in the debugger.
You can alter this setting from the Terminal using the following command (make sure you quit Script Debugger first):
defaults write com.latenightsw.ScriptDebugger6 PrefAlwaysDetectChangedOSAIDs -bool YES
Alternatively, the following AppleScriptObjC code changes this setting from within Script Debugger:
use AppleScript version "2.4" -- Yosemite (10.10) or later
use framework "Foundation"
current application's NSUserDefaults's standardUserDefaults()'s setObject:true forKey:"PrefAlwaysDetectChangedOSAIDs"
Type: boolean, Default: NO
When YES/TRUE, Script Debugger includes AppleScript’s line continuation (¬) character when pretty printing source values in explorer displays.
You can alter this setting from the Terminal using the following command (make sure you quit Script Debugger first):
defaults write com.latenightsw.ScriptDebugger6 PrefPrettyPrintWithContinuations -bool YES
Alternatively, the following AppleScriptObjC code changes this setting from within Script Debugger:
use AppleScript version "2.4" -- Yosemite (10.10) or later
use framework "Foundation"
current application's NSUserDefaults's standardUserDefaults()'s setObject:true forKey:"PrefPrettyPrintWithContinuations"
Type: boolean, Default: NO
When YES/TRUE, Script Debugger uses the AppleScript choose application panel to select an application when opening dictionaries. Otherwise, a standard file open panel is used.
You can alter this setting from the Terminal using the following command (make sure you quit Script Debugger first):
defaults write com.latenightsw.ScriptDebugger6 PrefChooseAppsUsingChooser -bool YES
Alternatively, the following AppleScriptObjC code changes this setting from within Script Debugger:
use AppleScript version "2.4" -- Yosemite (10.10) or later
use framework "Foundation"
current application's NSUserDefaults's standardUserDefaults()'s setObject:true forKey:"PrefChooseAppsUsingChooser"
Type: boolean, Default: YES
When YES/TRUE, the Table Of Contents menu uses “’s” to join nested object references. Otherwise, “of” is used and the order of object references is reversed (to match AppleScript’s use of “of”).
You can alter this setting from the Terminal using the following command (make sure you quit Script Debugger first):
defaults write com.latenightsw.ScriptDebugger6 PrefEditorTOCUsesDotSyntax -bool NO
Alternatively, the following AppleScriptObjC code changes this setting from within Script Debugger:
use AppleScript version "2.4" -- Yosemite (10.10) or later
use framework "Foundation"
current application's NSUserDefaults's standardUserDefaults()'s setObject:false forKey:"PrefEditorTOCUsesDotSyntax"
Type: boolean, Default: NO
When YES/TRUE, changes in text selection is reflected in all split views for the document.
You can alter this setting from the Terminal using the following command (make sure you quit Script Debugger first):
defaults write com.latenightsw.ScriptDebugger6 PrefEditorSyncSplitViewSelection -bool YES
Alternatively, the following AppleScriptObjC code changes this setting from within Script Debugger:
use AppleScript version "2.4" -- Yosemite (10.10) or later
use framework "Foundation"
current application's NSUserDefaults's standardUserDefaults()'s setObject:true forKey:"PrefEditorSyncSplitViewSelection"
Type: boolean, Default: YES
When YES/TRUE, inserted object specifiers use the AppleScript “of” syntax. When NO/FALSE, the “’s” syntax is used and the order of object references is reversed.
You can alter this setting from the Terminal using the following command (make sure you quit Script Debugger first):
defaults write com.latenightsw.ScriptDebugger6 PrefEditorPasteObjectSpecifiersUsingOf -bool NO
Alternatively, the following AppleScriptObjC code changes this setting from within Script Debugger:
use AppleScript version "2.4" -- Yosemite (10.10) or later
use framework "Foundation"
current application's NSUserDefaults's standardUserDefaults()'s setObject:false forKey:"PrefEditorPasteObjectSpecifiersUsingOf"
Type: float, Default: 1.0
This value determines the amount of additional line spacing in the script editor.
You can alter this setting from the Terminal using the following command (make sure you quit Script Debugger first):
defaults write com.latenightsw.ScriptDebugger6 PrefEditorLineSpacing -float 1.0
Alternatively, the following AppleScriptObjC code changes this setting from within Script Debugger:
use AppleScript version "2.4" -- Yosemite (10.10) or later
use framework "Foundation"
current application's NSUserDefaults's standardUserDefaults()'s setObject:1.0 forKey:"PrefEditorLineSpacing"
Type: array of string, Default: none
This is an array of bundle IDs indicating applications which are known to be scriptable, but which fail to be detected by Script Debugger as scriptable.
You can alter this setting from the Terminal using the following command (make sure you quit Script Debugger first):
defaults write com.latenightsw.ScriptDebugger6 PrefDictScriptableApps -array none
Alternatively, the following AppleScriptObjC code changes this setting from within Script Debugger:
use AppleScript version "2.4" -- Yosemite (10.10) or later
use framework "Foundation"
current application's NSUserDefaults's standardUserDefaults()'s setObject: {none} forKey:"PrefDictScriptableApps"
Type: boolean, Default: NO
When YES/TRUE, synonyms for identifiers are shown in the dictionary browser outline.
You can alter this setting from the Terminal using the following command (make sure you quit Script Debugger first):
defaults write com.latenightsw.ScriptDebugger6 PrefDictShowSynonymsInBrowser -bool YES
Alternatively, the following AppleScriptObjC code changes this setting from within Script Debugger:
use AppleScript version "2.4" -- Yosemite (10.10) or later
use framework "Foundation"
current application's NSUserDefaults's standardUserDefaults()'s setObject:true forKey:"PrefDictShowSynonymsInBrowser"
Type: boolean, Default: YES
When YES/TRUE, Script Debugger displays a count of list item and record properties in explorer summaries.
You can alter this setting from the Terminal using the following command (make sure you quit Script Debugger first):
defaults write com.latenightsw.ScriptDebugger6 PrefDictShowCountsInBrowser -bool NO
Alternatively, the following AppleScriptObjC code changes this setting from within Script Debugger:
use AppleScript version "2.4" -- Yosemite (10.10) or later
use framework "Foundation"
current application's NSUserDefaults's standardUserDefaults()'s setObject:false forKey:"PrefDictShowCountsInBrowser"
Type: boolean, Default: YES
When YES/TRUE, Script Debugger sniffs string values to detect the presence of HTML content and display the content in a Web view in Best mode.
You can alter this setting from the Terminal using the following command (make sure you quit Script Debugger first):
defaults write com.latenightsw.ScriptDebugger6 PrefDictRenderHTMLStrings -bool NO
Alternatively, the following AppleScriptObjC code changes this setting from within Script Debugger:
use AppleScript version "2.4" -- Yosemite (10.10) or later
use framework "Foundation"
current application's NSUserDefaults's standardUserDefaults()'s setObject:false forKey:"PrefDictRenderHTMLStrings"
Type: boolean, Default: NO
When YES/TRUE, Script Debugger sniffs string values to detect the presence of a URL and displays the URL in a Web View in Best mode.
You can alter this setting from the Terminal using the following command (make sure you quit Script Debugger first):
defaults write com.latenightsw.ScriptDebugger6 PrefDictRenderURLStrings -bool YES
Alternatively, the following AppleScriptObjC code changes this setting from within Script Debugger:
use AppleScript version "2.4" -- Yosemite (10.10) or later
use framework "Foundation"
current application's NSUserDefaults's standardUserDefaults()'s setObject:true forKey:"PrefDictRenderURLStrings"
Type: boolean, Default: YES
When YES/TRUE, Script Debugger displays the URL in a Web View in Best mode.
You can alter this setting from the Terminal using the following command (make sure you quit Script Debugger first):
defaults write com.latenightsw.ScriptDebugger6 PrefDictRenderNSURLs -bool NO
Alternatively, the following AppleScriptObjC code changes this setting from within Script Debugger:
use AppleScript version "2.4" -- Yosemite (10.10) or later
use framework "Foundation"
current application's NSUserDefaults's standardUserDefaults()'s setObject:false forKey:"PrefDictRenderNSURLs"
Type: boolean, Default: YES
When YES/TRUE, Script Debugger uses larger icons to indicate that an application is running in the applications menu.
You can alter this setting from the Terminal using the following command (make sure you quit Script Debugger first):
defaults write com.latenightsw.ScriptDebugger6 PrefDictLargeIcons -bool NO
Alternatively, the following AppleScriptObjC code changes this setting from within Script Debugger:
use AppleScript version "2.4" -- Yosemite (10.10) or later
use framework "Foundation"
current application's NSUserDefaults's standardUserDefaults()'s setObject:false forKey:"PrefDictLargeIcons"
Type: boolean, Default: YES
When YES/TRUE, Script Debugger caches the list of known applications in order to reduce the time needed to display the known applications menu.
You can alter this setting from the Terminal using the following command (make sure you quit Script Debugger first):
defaults write com.latenightsw.ScriptDebugger6 PrefDictCacheKnownApplications -bool NO
Alternatively, the following AppleScriptObjC code changes this setting from within Script Debugger:
use AppleScript version "2.4" -- Yosemite (10.10) or later
use framework "Foundation"
current application's NSUserDefaults's standardUserDefaults()'s setObject:false forKey:"PrefDictCacheKnownApplications"
Type: integer, Default: 30
The number of elements to display when expanding an element collection. Also the number of additional elements to display when the “More” button is clicked.
You can alter this setting from the Terminal using the following command (make sure you quit Script Debugger first):
defaults write com.latenightsw.ScriptDebugger6 PrefExplorerChunkSize -integer 30
Alternatively, the following AppleScriptObjC code changes this setting from within Script Debugger:
use AppleScript version "2.4" -- Yosemite (10.10) or later
use framework "Foundation"
current application's NSUserDefaults's standardUserDefaults()'s setObject:30 forKey:"PrefExplorerChunkSize"
Type: boolean, Default: NO
When YES/TRUE, the application picker menu includes known applications, in addition to running, recent and favourite applications.
You can alter this setting from the Terminal using the following command (make sure you quit Script Debugger first):
defaults write com.latenightsw.ScriptDebugger6 PrefDictShowKnownAppsInMenus -bool YES
Alternatively, the following AppleScriptObjC code changes this setting from within Script Debugger:
use AppleScript version "2.4" -- Yosemite (10.10) or later
use framework "Foundation"
current application's NSUserDefaults's standardUserDefaults()'s setObject:true forKey:"PrefDictShowKnownAppsInMenus"
Type: boolean, Default: NO
When YES/TRUE, the list of known applications is limited to applications residing within the /Applications directory and any nested directories within it.
You can alter this setting from the Terminal using the following command (make sure you quit Script Debugger first):
defaults write com.latenightsw.ScriptDebugger6 PrefDictLimitKnownAppsToApplications -bool YES
Alternatively, the following AppleScriptObjC code changes this setting from within Script Debugger:
use AppleScript version "2.4" -- Yosemite (10.10) or later
use framework "Foundation"
current application's NSUserDefaults's standardUserDefaults()'s setObject:true forKey:"PrefDictLimitKnownAppsToApplications"
Type: integer, Default: 4000
When displaying an AppleScript run- or compile-time error, Script Debugger truncates the error message text to this length to avoid performance problems that may result when error message strings grow too large.
You can alter this setting from the Terminal using the following command (make sure you quit Script Debugger first):
defaults write com.latenightsw.ScriptDebugger6 PrefErrorStringMaxLength -integer 4000
Alternatively, the following AppleScriptObjC code changes this setting from within Script Debugger:
use AppleScript version "2.4" -- Yosemite (10.10) or later
use framework "Foundation"
current application's NSUserDefaults's standardUserDefaults()'s setObject:4000 forKey:"PrefErrorStringMaxLength"
Type: integer, Default: 8000
When display the value of an NSString value or the description of an AppleScriptObjC pointer, Script Debugger truncates the resulting string to this length to avoid performance problems that may result when strings grow too large.
You can alter this setting from the Terminal using the following command (make sure you quit Script Debugger first):
defaults write com.latenightsw.ScriptDebugger6 PrefDescriptionStringMaxLength -integer 8000
Alternatively, the following AppleScriptObjC code changes this setting from within Script Debugger:
use AppleScript version "2.4" -- Yosemite (10.10) or later
use framework "Foundation"
current application's NSUserDefaults's standardUserDefaults()'s setObject:8000 forKey:"PrefDescriptionStringMaxLength"
Type: integer, Default: 250
When display the description of a Foundation collection (NSArray, NSDictionary, NSSet), Script Debugger truncates the resulting string to this length to avoid performance problems that may result when strings grow too large.
You can alter this setting from the Terminal using the following command (make sure you quit Script Debugger first):
defaults write com.latenightsw.ScriptDebugger6 PrefDescriptionCollectionsLimit -integer 250
Alternatively, the following AppleScriptObjC code changes this setting from within Script Debugger:
use AppleScript version "2.4" -- Yosemite (10.10) or later
use framework "Foundation"
current application's NSUserDefaults's standardUserDefaults()'s setObject:250 forKey:"PrefDescriptionCollectionsLimit"
Type: integer, Default: 128
When displaying the description of NSData value, Script Debugger truncates the resulting string to this length to avoid performance problems that may result when strings grow too large.
You can alter this setting from the Terminal using the following command (make sure you quit Script Debugger first):
defaults write com.latenightsw.ScriptDebugger6 PrefDescriptionDataLimit -integer 128
Alternatively, the following AppleScriptObjC code changes this setting from within Script Debugger:
use AppleScript version "2.4" -- Yosemite (10.10) or later
use framework "Foundation"
current application's NSUserDefaults's standardUserDefaults()'s setObject:128 forKey:"PrefDescriptionDataLimit"
Type: integer, Default: 2000
When display the description of Cocoa objects other than the various collections, NSData or NSString, Script Debugger truncates the resulting string to this length to avoid performance problems that may result when strings grow too large.
You can alter this setting from the Terminal using the following command (make sure you quit Script Debugger first):
defaults write com.latenightsw.ScriptDebugger6 PrefDescriptionOtherLimit -integer 2000
Alternatively, the following AppleScriptObjC code changes this setting from within Script Debugger:
use AppleScript version "2.4" -- Yosemite (10.10) or later
use framework "Foundation"
current application's NSUserDefaults's standardUserDefaults()'s setObject:8000 forKey:"PrefDescriptionOtherLimit"
Type: boolean, Default: YES
When YES/TRUE, Script Debugger wraps parameter expressions in parenthesis when auto-completing interleaved-syntax handler invocations.
You can alter this setting from the Terminal using the following command (make sure you quit Script Debugger first):
defaults write com.latenightsw.ScriptDebugger6 PrefParensAroundInterleavedArgs -bool NO
Alternatively, the following AppleScriptObjC code changes this setting from within Script Debugger:
use AppleScript version "2.4" -- Yosemite (10.10) or later
use framework "Foundation"
current application's NSUserDefaults's standardUserDefaults()'s setObject:false forKey:"PrefParensAroundInterleavedArgs"
Type: boolean, Default: YES
When YES/TRUE, expansion of clippings and text substitutions containing placeholder values results in placeholder glyphs appearing in the editor. When false, the text value of the placeholder is inserted into the clipping.
You can alter this setting from the Terminal using the following command (make sure you quit Script Debugger first):
defaults write com.latenightsw.ScriptDebugger6 PrefEditorUsePlaceholders -bool NO
Alternatively, the following AppleScriptObjC code changes this setting from within Script Debugger:
use AppleScript version "2.4" -- Yosemite (10.10) or later
use framework "Foundation"
current application's NSUserDefaults's standardUserDefaults()'s setObject:false forKey:"PrefEditorUsePlaceholders"
Type: boolean, Default: YES
When YES/TRUE, the TAB key commits the current placeholder and moves on to the next placeholder.
You can alter this setting from the Terminal using the following command (make sure you quit Script Debugger first):
defaults write com.latenightsw.ScriptDebugger6 PrefEditorTabCommitsPlaceholder -bool NO
Alternatively, the following AppleScriptObjC code changes this setting from within Script Debugger:
use AppleScript version "2.4" -- Yosemite (10.10) or later
use framework "Foundation"
current application's NSUserDefaults's standardUserDefaults()'s setObject:false forKey:"PrefEditorTabCommitsPlaceholder"
Type: boolean, Default: NO (introduced in 6.0.2)
When YES/TRUE and Sort table of contents menu alphabetically
is off, markers will appear in their relative location rather than grouped together at the top of the Navigation menu.
You can alter this setting from the Terminal using the following command (make sure you quit Script Debugger first):
defaults write com.latenightsw.ScriptDebugger6 PrefNavigationMenuMarkersInterleaved -bool YES
Alternatively, the following AppleScriptObjC code changes this setting from within Script Debugger:
use AppleScript version "2.4" -- Yosemite (10.10) or later
use framework "Foundation"
current application's NSUserDefaults's standardUserDefaults()'s setObject:true forKey:"PrefNavigationMenuMarkersInterleaved"