We are pleased to announce the release of Script Debugger 5.0.11. Script Debugger 5.0.11 is a free maintenance release addressing a series of issues that came to light following the release of Script Debugger 5.0. This maintenance improves Script Debugger compatibility with El Capitan (Mac OS X 10.11) and addresses a number of stability and performance issues.
You can update within Script Debugger using the Check For Updates command in the Script Debugger menu. Alternatively, you can download the new build here:
Download Script Debugger 5.0.11
Bugs closed in the 5.0.11 release:
- 18293 Resolved a problem where the Close & Save alert that appears when closing a running script window appeared twice.
- 13133 Addressed misc. stability issues.
- 17988 Integrated Sparkle 1.13.1 to address security issues with software updates.
- 17990 Addressed problems with the “Respond to applescript:// URLs” General preferences setting.
- 17456 Improve the information presented when Script Debugger licensing problems arise.
- 18122 Added the
AppleScriptObjC methods to facilitate limited main-thread code execution within the Script Debugger environment.