Late Night Software Ltd.
Contact: Mark Alldritt
Tel.: (250)-380-1725
Late Night Software Launches Script Debugger 6
VICTORIA, CANADA, June 23, 2016 – Late Night Software Ltd. has released Script Debugger 6, the latest version of its award-winning AppleScript development software. The upgrade includes 25 new features and a raft of other tweaks and improvements, making it even easier to work on large projects, and to take advantage of new AppleScript features.
Script Debugger 6 includes users’ previously most requested feature, code folding. Users can now collapse and hide blocks of code to focus on code that matters. This feature makes working on long scripts much simpler.
Script Debugger 6 also lifts the veil on AppleScriptObjC. The introduction of code completion makes it far easier to write, and users can see what’s happening every step of the way with the new debugging features.
Another new feature in version 6 is that of script library and framework pickers — popup menus for entering names. Users can, for example, see at a glance what script libraries are installed where, and users will never need to type — or mis-type — one of their names again.
Enhancements to Script Debugger’s clippings feature include the ability display pickers, and to link multiple placeholders. Clippings are also now fully searchable.
Script Debugger 6 also supports always-on code signing. Once it is turned on for a script, signing happens with every save — there is no more need for a separate export stage.
“With version 6, features like Code Folding make Script Debugger an even more valuable development tool for experienced scripters,” says Developer and AppleScript Teacher, Ray Robertson. “For those new to AppleScript, my advice remains the same: Buy Script Debugger now. The step-by-step debugging feature alone will save you hours of time in the learning process.”
Script Debugger has a 20+ year history, and during that time has been widely recognized for its excellence as an AppleScript development environment. In 2000, Script Debugger 2.0 was honoured with a MacWorld Editors Choice award for Best Development Software. Script Debugger 3.0 was nominated for the 2002 MacUser Award in the category of Utility and Enabling. Script Debugger has long been the go-to tool for professional and hobbyist AppleScript users alike, and Script Debugger 6 improves upon that heritage.
System Requirements
Script Debugger 6 requires Mac OS X 10.10 (Yosemite) or later, with Mac OS X 10.11 (El Capitan) recommended for AppleScriptObjC usage.
Pricing and Availability
Script Debugger 6 is available now, and retails for $99.99 USD, with upgrades from Script Debugger 5 for $69.99 USD. A free demo version is fully functional for 20 days. Volume and educational discounts apply.
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Late Night Software Ltd., established in 1995, is a privately held company that specializes in the development of award-winning Macintosh scripting tools. Copyright 1995-2016 Late Night Software Ltd. All Rights Reserved. Apple, the Apple logo, and AppleScript are registered trademarks of Apple Computer Inc. in the U.S. and/or other countries.