We are pleased to announce the release of Script Debugger 6.0.4. Script Debugger 6.0.4 is a free maintenance release addressing a series of issues that came to light following the release of Script Debugger 6.0. This maintenance improves Script Debugger compatibility with macOS Sierra (Mac OS X 10.12) and addresses a number of stability and performance issues.
You can download Script Debugger 6.0.4 from within Script Debugger using the Check For Updates menu command within the Script Debugger menu or you can download it directly from our Free Trial page.
Changes in the 6.0.4 release:
581: Resolved a crashing bug that can occur when a script window is scrolled and then closed in quick succession.
662: Addressed a crash that can occur on rare occasions when opening scripts.
713: tell blocks created via drag and drop now honour the “Reference applications by ID when pasting Tell blocks” preferences setting.
718: If an applet sets a value for
in its Info.plist file, Script Debugger will honour it when exposing AppleScriptObjC terminology in code-completion.719: Scripting now exposes an
open on tabs
property of the application class.720: Code signing now strips any resource forks (xattrs) within the bundle before signing. Unless they are removed, signing fails in Sierra. Also fixed a bug where the Property Persistence dialog was non-blocking.
722: Code-completion can now also be triggered via the
command in the Edit menu.728: Resolved a problem where external debugging would file silently when Script Debugger’s template chooser panel was the topmost window.
729: Script Debugger creates a
folder if required when installing theScript Debugger.component
file to facilitate external debugging.731: Resolved a crashing bug that can occur when creating documents from a template that cannot be found.
733: Fixed problem performing a save-as of
files to some SMB volumes.736: improve handling of errOSASystemError errors reported from AppleScript API calls.
737: Fixed bug where scripting’s ‘open’ command did not respect ‘showing dictionary’.
742: Clicking on the
Apple Event
column title in the Event Log no longer generates an exception.747: Script Debugger will no longer show an empty dictionary window if you try to open an unscriptable application.
748: Corrected a Script Debugger 6.0 regression where hovering over potential breakpoints when line numbers are visible does not produce the correct highlighting behaviour.
750: Fixed bug where Progress dialog would sometimes not be dismissed after running script from Scripts menu.
752: The
script handler
class now has atext source
property for extracting the contents.