UPDATE: This release has been superseded by Script Debugger 5.0.4.
We are pleased to announce the release of Script Debugger 5.0.3. Script Debugger 5.0.3 is a free maintenance release addressing a series of issues that came to light following the release of Script Debugger 5.0. This maintenance release makes Script Debugger fully compatible with Mountain Lion (Mac OS X 10.8) and addresses a number of stability and performance issues.
You can update within Script Debugger using the Check For Updates command in the Script Debugger menu. Alternatively, you can download the new build here:
Download Script Debugger 5.0.3
Bugs closed in the 5.0.3 release:
- 17364 Resolved a problem where external debugging sessions did not end correctly and could cause Script Debugger and the applet/droplet being debugged to hang.
- 17486 Scripts auto-saved by the AppleScript Editor on Mountain Lion systems with uncompiled changes are correctly opened.
- 17676 Resolved a problem where Script Debugger is unable to send AppleEvent commands to sandboxed applications (Mail, TextEdit, QuickTime Player, etc.) on Mountain Lion (10.8) systems.
- 17674 Resolved a problem where script compilation errors were not reported properly in some instances when expressions are present.
- 17667 Resolved a crashing bug that can occur when displaying the Progress dialog during a compile.
- 17651 Resolved a problem where the Page Up/Page Down/Home/End keys don’t work correctly int he Explorer Outline view.
- 17641 The Bundle editor now allows you to preview the contents of files using Quick Look.
- 17630 Resolved a problem where Script Debugger fails to properly copy multiple scripts embedded within a bundled script (.scptd document).
- 17642 Resolved a crashing problem which may occur when a lot of Event Log activity takes place.
- 17614 Corrected a crashing bug that can occur when saving scripts that reference non-applications with tell blocks.
- 17633 Improve performance when running scripts once the Event Log pane has been shown, and then hidden in the script window.
- 17616 Resolved a regression in the 5.0.2 release that may cause the Open In Tabs preference to be ignored when re-opening scripts.
- 17631 Resolved a series of problems that may lead to Cocoa exceptions when using the Replace All command.
- 17632 Corrected a newline problem in the XML manifest report.